In his mixed media collages artist Joseph Giunta used everyday found objects and integrated them into his paintings to make beautiful and unique collage paintings.
Giunta's mixed media collage art include a large variety of items including string, wire, wood, buttons, nails, metal mesh, felt, hats, jewelry, cardboard, shoes, ceramics, cloth, paper, foil wrappers, peanut shells, candies, plaster, drawings, paints, pastels, charcoals, markers and much more.
In his mixed media collages the function of every object was diverted to the sole benefit of the painting in progress. Giunta's mixed media collages developed through the successive differentiation of their new parts. He departed from one element, added a second which called for a third, the relationship of the first three leading to a forth, and so on. In the above left mixed media collage the entire composition began with an old hat.
For a completed analysis of the work of Joseph Giunta, mixed media collage artist see Organic Collage Paintings. |